The Historical and Archaeological Museum in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski has been collecting archaeological artefacts from the area of the middle and lower Kamienna River valley since its establishment in 1965. The Archaeological Museum and Reserve Krzemionki have been conducting independent archaeological research since the beginning of the 21st century. The employees of the Archaeology Department of the Archaeological Museum and Krzemionki Reserve conduct excavations and surface archaeological research in the area of the Kamienna River valley, the Iłża Piedmont, and the Sandomierz Upland.
- 2003-2004: excavations of fragments of mines in Krzemionki due to construction of an underground tourist route.
- 2004: excavations at archaeological site no. 1 in Bodzechów conducted under the direction of Dr. Szymon Orzechowski, the discovery of a metallurgical workshop from the Roman period.
- 2005-2006: archaeological excavations at site no. 4 in Chmielów, research on an organized smelting furnace from the times of the Przeworsk culture.
- 2004-2006: archaeological survey in the south-eastern part of the Iłża Piedmont as part of the Polish Archaeological Record (AZP) program.
- 2006: Krzczonowice, excavations of a settlement of the Globular Amphora culture.
- 2006: excavations in Krzemionki, in the vicinity of the shaft of the niche mine no. 6/668, uncovering part of the mining field and flint workshops due to construction of an exhibition building.
- 2007: Krzczonowice, excavations of a settlement of the Globular Amphora culture.
- 2008: Krzczonowice, excavations of a settlement of the Globular Amphora culture.
- 2008: Krzemionki, excavations of waste dumps in chamber no. II in the area of the Great Lime Chambers, reconnaissance of the Neolithic shaft no. 824.
- 2008: Świrna, site no. 1, reconnaissance excavations at a multicultural site (from the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Roman period, Middle Ages and the modern period); Częstocice, rescue research of a residential building from the beginning of the Ist millennium AD.
- 2010-2011: Krzczonowice, geophysical research, and excavations of the settlement of the Globular Amphora culture.
- 2011: Szewna, site no. 6/79, verification and rescue excavations of the settlement from the early Neolithic period and the Roman period.
- 2012: Częstocice, rescue and verification excavations in the area adjacent to the Wielopolski Palace, where there is a multicultural archaeological site (from the Neolithic Funnel Beaker culture to the Roman period and modern times); Denków: discovery and securing of a early modern hoard of coins from the 1596-1626.
- 2013: Częstocice, archaeological excavations at a site from the Roman period (Przeworsk culture) and the early modern period.
- 2014: Krzemionki, mining, and conservation works in the Neolithic flint mines.
- 2014: research on historical iron ore exploitation points in the Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski area (the area of Goździelin, Moczydło, and Jędrzejów: mines „Sewerynów,” “Goździelskie Górki,” “Moczydło/Długi Chrust,” and “Miłków’).
- 2016: Częstocice, excavations of archaeological objects from the Neolithic period, the Roman period (including the Przeworsk culture smelting furnace), and the early modern period (farm buildings).
- 2017: Częstocice, archaeological excavations in the vicinity of the Wielopolski Palace.
- 2019: Częstocice, archaeological excavations in the vicinity of the Wielopolski Palace, discovery of traces of Neolithic settlement.
- 2020: Częstocice, archaeological excavations in the vicinity of the Wielopolski Palace, the discovery of artifacts of the Neolithic Malice culture, and foundations of a 17th-century building.
- 2021: Geophysical survey in the Krzemionki mining field aimed at determining the actual range of mining excavations.
The collections of the Museum in Krzemionki include artefacts donated by donors and acquired during field interventions and rescue excavations. Thanks to research conducted by the museum staff, it was possible to register many previously unknown archaeological sites in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship